Step Signs

Step Signs

Generate Revenue from Foot Traffic

Stairway Step Graphics are a high impact way to market your brand or showcase sponsors.  Put them down on the way to seating, concession areas, restrooms or concourse areas. Given its high visibility, Stairway Step Graphics can generate substantial revenue for your team. Step signs can be designed as individual signs or can be displayed as a single image over a set of risers.

Key Features:

  • Printed on 4.5 mil vinyl
  • Ultra-Brite inks
  • Durable and easy to clean
  • Made with a strong proprietary adhesive that will stick to wood, metal, or concrete
  • Resist corner roll or curling

    Our award winning creative department is highly skilled at taking your vision and using their talent and expertise to take your programs brand to a whole new level.  Let us help turn your vision into reality. Fill out the form now for a free design mock-up to help you visualize the possibilities.

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